Brinquedomc Banco do Mc
Level 80 - Morto-vivo - Priest


Discipline 59 / 12 / 0
Shadow 15 / 0 / 56


Total de Pontos 9491
Total Concluído 887

Player vs Player

Total de Kills 115220
Kills Hoje 0


Alchemy 450 / 450
Engineering 427 / 450

Habilidades Secundárias

First Aid 375 / 450
Cooking 450 / 450
Fishing 450 / 450

Conquistas Recentes

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Level 80 - 10 pontos - 30/09/2022 às 16:00
Two Lights in the Darkness (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 18:05
Three Lights in the Darkness (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 18:05
One Light in the Darkness (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 18:05
Alone in the Darkness (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 18:05
I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 17:56
If Looks Could Kill (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 17:05
Unbroken (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 16:26
Orbital Bombardment (10 player) - 10 pontos - 04/10/2020 às 16:26