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Heroes Admin 01

Eventos LineBr

Posts Recomendados

Moeda GOLD
Set Dungeon 1 para jogadores level 1
Set Deadly Gladiator's, Armas, Armaduras e Acessórios, para começar bem no level 80 em DG e BG.
Tabard  Tabard Darkmoon Faire, precisa ser exaltado em Darkmoon Faire.

Armas 2x2 Relentless Gladiator's

Moeda Token Heroes Battleground
Set Transmog, Blessed, Glacial, Icy Scale, Icebane, Polar, Exclusivo DK, Dungeon 2

Pet / Companheiros
Panda Collar - Feats of Strength: Collector's Edition: Panda
Zergling Leash - Feats of Strength: Collector's Edition: Zergling
Murkimus' Little Spear - Feats of Strength: Murkimus the Gladiator
Heavy Murloc Egg - Feats of Strength: The Marine Marine
Netherwhelp's Collar - Feats of Strength: Collector's Edition: Netherwhelp
Mini Thor - Feats of Strength: Collector's Edition: Mini Thor
Enchanted Onyx - Feats of Strength: Onyx Panther
Clockwork Rocket Bot - Feats of Strength: Clockwork Rocket Bot  
Vampiric Batling - Feats of Strength: Vampire Hunter
Tyrael's Hilt - Feats of Strength: Tyrael's Hilt
Frosty's Collar - Feats of Strength: Collector's Edition: Frost Wyrm Whelp
Blue Murloc Egg - Feats of Strength: Murky
Diablo Stone - Feats of Strength: Collector's Edition: Mini-Diablo
Soul-Trader Beacon - Transforma almas em Ethereal Credit, moeda usada para comprar transmog e poções.

Lurky's Egg, Onyxian Whelpling, Baby Blizzard Bear, Alarming Clockbot, Competitor's Souvenir, Green Dragon Orb, Celestial Dragon, XS-001 Constructor Bot, Gold Medallion, Red Dragon Orb, Banana Charm, Dragon Kite, Pink Murloc Egg, Orange Murloc Egg, White Murloc Egg, Wind Rider Cub, Gryphon Hatchling, Murkimus' Little Speal, Lil' Phylactery, Lil' XT, Pandaren Monk, Core Hound Pup, Spectral Tiger Cub, Tuskarr Kite, 
Warbot Ignition Key, Penguin Egg, Unhatched Mr. Chilly, Scorched Stone, Silver Pig Coin, Golden Pig Coin, Rocket Chicken, Mojo, Fortune Coin, Hippogryph Hatchling, White Tiger Cub, Baby Shark, A Jubling's Tiny Home, Turtle Egg (Loggerhead), Cat Carrier (Corrupted Kitten), 

Ethereal Portal, substitui a Hearthstone
Ogre Pinata, uma Pinhata que da chicletes.
Foam Sword Rack, brincar de espadas e derrubar o amigo
Transformação Murloc Costume

Tabard of Flame
Tabard of the Void
Tabard of the Arcane
Tabard of Nature
Tabard of Brilliance
Tabard of Frost
Tabard of Fury
Tabard of the Defender
Contest Winner's Tabard

Moeda  Token Heroes PVP
Transmog Skin de Armas do Passado.
Tabard LineBr
Tabard Kilt
Tabard of Stormwind
Competitor's Tabard - Feats of Strength:Competitor's Tabard
Tabard of the Protector - Feats of Strength: Tabard of the Protector
Tabard of the Argent Dawn - Feats of Strength: Tabard of the Argent Dawn
Montarias Exclusivas

Black - Heroes


Spectral - Heroes

Hippogryph - Heroes

Outros Eventos.

Evento Semanal Clones do Professor Putricida, Quest Must Die!.
Evento Mate Todos os Reis da Horda ou Alliance.
Evento Quatro Por Quatro Classic, Quatro The Burning Crusade,  Wrath of the Lich King.
Evento Declaração de Guerra contra Orgrimmar ou Stormwind.
Evento Nenhuma misericórdia para a Horda! ou Alliance.

Conquistas do Passado
Champion of the Naaru - Conquista + Título.
Hand of A'dal - Conquista + Titulo.
Scarab Lord - Conquista + Titulo.
Proof of Demise - Conquista.
The Fifth Element - Conquista.
Timear Foresees - Conquista.
Call to Arms! - Conquista.

Drop Alterado.
Voa com Set Completo Relenthess + Tabard Relenthess e Furious Gladiator's.

Evento Logue & Jogue - GAME.
Quest Diária 
Landro's Gift Box - Arathi Basin - 25 KILL
1º Dungeon Finder Heroic
 Landro's Gift Box

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